Vlarath regards the sudden onslaught of Gunn and Perseus with clear contempt - until the bard's spell tears into his defences, and the dwarf's axe elicits a startled cry of pain.

"What? How…?"

The flaming emerald eyes dart to the place where Melchizar breathed his last, and widen in realisation - before narrowing with intensity.

"Then I cannot afford to toy with you."

With an impossibly swift gesture and a harsh word in a long-forgotten language, the god of dark magic hurls lightning at Perseus.

Spoiler: Quickened chain lightning
73 electricity damage to Perseus, Reflex DC 35 for half.

The crackling bolt of energy then cascades from the dwarf to the rest of you.

Spoiler: Quickened chain lightning (secondary targets)
Everyone else takes 36 damage, Ref DC 35 half.

The hand that lashed out at Perseus sweeps to one side, four globes of fire forming in front of the dark god. The orbs surge out to strike everyone except Perseus - then explode out from the point of impact, repeatedly engulfing each of you in fire. Vlarath stands at the heart of the inferno untouched, the flames stopping short of reaching him each time.

Spoiler: Sudden maximised meteor swarm
There are four spheres. Vlarath will try to hit each of you with one - if he does, you get no saving throw against that explosion. You still have to save against the others - and indeed against the one targeted at you, should it miss. So you each make at least three and possibly four saving throws.

Each orb deals 36 fire damage, halved on a successful DC 38 Reflex save - so a maximum potential damage of 128 each. For every successful Reflex save, damage reduces by 18.

Whether you get 3 or 4 saves depends on whether that first orb hits you, so attack rolls:

First orb: targeted at Theo, ranged touch attack 17.

Second targeted at Rosalind; RTA 27.

Third targeted at Gunn; RTA 25.

Fourth targeted at Yara; natural 20 to hit; critical confirmation RTA 28 (for an extra 36 fire damage and to double the bludgeoning damage, see below).

If you are hit you also take 12 bludgeoning damage (no save).

Spoiler: Initiative
Everyone except Gunn and Perseus can now act.