Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
I find it disappointing that despite the game playing up the connections between the Thieves Guild and the Brotherhood that you can't really do anything with it. Interactions between the two ae really minor.

Maven Blackbriar can threaten you with her dark brotherhood contacts even after her contact is dead and you've taken over the Dark Brotherhood.

You'd think that "I'm in the Dark Brotherhood/I am the Dark Brotherhood" would be a simple enough thing to program in.

If you've completed both questlines you basically own her ass because if she goes against you you can take her down with you and she just can't have you assassinated but it doesn't really play out that way.
Unfortunately Skyrim is just plain the least complete installment of the series. there is a lot of cut content and things they just didn't add for the sake of a release date. the reason its lasted so long is because of mods and because they haven't made Elder Scrolls 6 yet, lets be honest.