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Thread: OOTS #1232 - The Discussion Thread

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1232 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rrmcklin View Post
    It's only inconsistent if you assume that employing bad methods means the mission itself is bad or unimportant. The Bearer of the Crimson Mantle is a threat to all of creation, that's just a fact so that doesn't mean the Sapphire Guard's mission was wrong. It just meant certain methods (indiscriminate murder) were. But there's nothing say all members of Sapphire Guard indiscriminately murdered.

    But the larger point is that we didn't see any of those paladins fall because it wasn't important for the story; it would mean nothing to Redcloak. That is not the same thing as saying all of those paladins definitely did not fall.
    I am not saying Sapphire Guard motivation is bad, same for Redcloak's. The thing is both of them have wrong methods, but only Redcloak is "evil" for that.
    And, don't forget, the Dark One (in his mortal form) tried to live in peace with other races and was murdered. He had an epic army of goblinoids and, instead of just conquering, he wanted peace... But is still an Evil god, why? I can only think in one reason: he is a monster, goblins are'nt a Player race.
    And that's still the key here, goblins are not balanced couse they are not meant to be players, this Comic is always talking about metagame.

    Also, we know about the lore of the Dark One mostly by the word of Redcloak to Xykon in SoD, and Redcloak did not have a reason to "edulcorate" that part of the story for a caotic evil man like Xykon, we should assume that part is true, i mean, TDO wanting peace, being murdered, learnimg about de fate of goblins... I mean, TDO could lie about that to Redcloak but again, why? They are both evil, they dont need "noble motivations".

    Maybe Thor is the one lying, or "edulcorating" the truth, couse Durkon DOES need noble motivations, and i think Thor is not lawful.

    Spoiler: how the paladin got his scar
    Btw, some paladin killed one harmless and unarmed goblin and he did'nt fall.
    Last edited by Vikenlugaid; 2021-04-30 at 08:48 AM.