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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Default Re: An Eclectic Collection of Fun and Effective Builds

    Quote Originally Posted by LudicSavant View Post
    Here we have a Chain Pact Warlock that is very much a powerhouse generalist. They are first and foremost an extremely capable healer, but they are also durable enough to shrug off most damage, and are a boss-shredding single target damage dealer, and a swarm-killing AoE damage dealer, and a battlefield controller who pinballs people wherever they like, and an excellent scout, and a ranged kiter, and… you get the idea.

    And they’re better at some of their secondary schticks than some PCs are at their main. You could legitimately make a party out of 4 of this character and they would synergize with each other and create a very strong, well-rounded party (though not perfectly rounded — it still has a poor Int save, for example).

    Like all my builds, it performs from level 1 to level 20, and is prepared to last through long and deadly adventuring days.
    I think it's only predictable to compare this one with the celestial generalist OG build.

    Do you think it's fair to do a Pros and Cons between them? For example, this one gets absurd healing but don't have the same melee capabilities of the page 1 build (since he does not have shillelagh)

    EDIT: Also, as I suggested before (and you seem to agree that it is generally a good idea) the dip in Peace Cleric seems very tempting for me, even replacing the Life Cleric in this case. If Disciple of Life worked with Healing Light, life Cleric would be more appealing IMHO.
    Last edited by javianhalt; 2021-05-02 at 02:51 PM.