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Thread: OOTS #1232 - The Discussion Thread

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Default Re: OOTS #1232 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dion View Post
    This is the most insightful comment I’ve read in this board in a while.

    I’m going to have to think about that for a while.

    Thank you.
    Only insofar as the guy who says everything wrong with his life is the result of a conspiracy from the moment of his species birth to make them nothing but hero fodder is supposed to be more trustworthy than the guy who designed the system that even allowed goblin reprisal to happen. The gods have designed untold millions of world, and their best plan to create a race of designated targets is one capable of thought, emotions, creativity, communication, social cohesion, the ability to use tools, weapons, magic, to actually elevate themselves by the same system that the none fodder species use, all of that, for a species who's sole purpose isn't be killed? That's the more reliable and unbiased stance than "Fenrir's just kind of a terrible god/father like that, and none of the rest of us really cared to protect them"?

    The argument isn't about whether goblins are victims of predjudice (they are), whether they were dealt a crap hand from the start (they were), if Thor and the other gods are entirely innocent from what happened to the Goblins (they aren't), or if the Gods have any biases (they do), the argument is whether or not the gods specifically tried to **** over the goblins, and I trust the guy who the story tries to portray as generally sympathetic, was actually there, and chalks it up to neglicence over the guy who had a character arc about "maybe green goblins aren't the only species with value", hasn't actually talked to his own god, never mind any other pantheons deities, and says the only reason this could have happened was malice from the getgo, and a subsequent campaign enforcing it for the rest of time, fully aware of what they were doing and hurting goblins specifically.
    Last edited by RandomReader; 2021-05-02 at 12:24 AM.