[Soul Hunt]

Rahvi certainly knows that Wenomir is being completely insincere, but pays no mind to it either, walking along behind to Cass as they head up to the meeting room. Wenomir may notice a sense of anticipation about the demon. In contrast to Cass' anxious dread, it seems by comparison anxious in a completely different sense, even eager.

When Cass takes the floor, she just kind of gives a half-hearted shrug before speaking.
"Well, I'll just give my report directly, then. There's no way I can manage to bypass the vault's defenses. With the resources I have access to and the nature of the plane the vault is located on, I haven't been able to get all the information on the full scope of the type of wards and shielding that might be protecting the vault, and while I can bypass any expected wards, any unexpected ones would completely screw us over, and I'm not risking my ability to properly get into the headspace of a paranoid, delusional mage (sorry commander) hopped up demonic essence. So."

Cass unwraps the long, thin object that she was carrying, revealing a long, angular sword with an ornate hilt, its blade etched with curving runes.

"I'll have to take us in the direct way. Combined with the power of my familiar, directed through this," she angles the blade slightly, so that it catches the light. "I will be able to access power moderately in excess of the known capabilities of the vault's creator, even under the influence of cuthun essence, and I'm going to ram us through any possible ward or defense protecting it from teleportation through sheer brute force. It won't be subtle. It won't be clean. It'll probably draw the attention of every moderately powerful entity on the plane, not to mention any defenders inside the vault, so you guys better retrieve whatever it is you're bloody after quick before all sorts of unholy hell descends on us looking to see what's making all the noise. But. I can get us there. Probably. It's a confident probably. Any questions?"