Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
So beskar armour makes lightsabers not act as solid, but beskar weapons do make lightsabers act as solid - can you provide some sources on that other then it being an interpretation of the scenes in that episode?

Seperately in Star Wars: The High Republic a character is falling and lodges the blade into a rock to catch themselves and then just hangs there for a while.
I think youre just misinterpreting the fight with Mando. He's deflecting the blades off his armor, but he still has his body under there, and he's still subject to Newton's Laws.

Secondly, solid is a state of matter, the same as plasma. Nothing makes a lightsaber "go solid", it just eventually encounters resistance such that it cant pass through. If i shoot a hose at a steel plate, the water doesnt "become solid" when it bounces off, it just cant keep going the way its going. We see in The Phantom Menace that dense/thick/massive enough material can provide some resistance to lightsabers.