
Climb Aboard: To use this maneuver, you must move adjacent to a foe at least two size categories larger than you. In the following round, you may make a DC 10 Climb check as a free action to clamber onto the creature's back or limbs (you move into one of the squares the creature occupies). The creature you're standing on takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against you, because it can strike at you only awkwardly. If the creature moves during its action, you move along with it. The creature can try to shake you off by making a grapple check opposed by your Climb check. If the creature succeeds, you wind up in a random adjacent square.
I'm a little confused about when you are allowed to use this maneuver.

  • Suppose you take a move action and end your movement adjacent to an enemy. Can you use it right away, or do they have the opportunity to move away first?
  • Suppose you take a move action and end your movement inside their square. Can you use it then, even though you're not "adjacent?"
  • Suppose your opponent walks up to you rather than you moving up to them. Can you use it on your turn?


The knight's code reads:

A knight never strikes a flat-footed opponent. Instead, you allow your foe to ready himself before attacking.
Does this prohibit touch attacks? For example, would a cross-class paladin-knight be prohibited from using lay on hands on someone suddenly? If so: tripping/grappling should still be fair game providing you don't deal damage, right?