Quote Originally Posted by DwarfFighter View Post
Why this obsession with making True Strike top tier? Every suggestion I see breaks it more than it fixes it. It's as if the existence of TS is somehow offensive, why not just remove it from circulation by banning it if it's so bad?
I can't speak for everyone, but I really like the idea of a Gish using magic to make their weapon attacks more accurate. We have cantrips that make melee attacks more powerful, but if you want more accuracy you need to use a leveled spell.

My DM's argument was past tier one, virtually no one would use a cantrip that only allowed for one attack unless it had a rider for damage like BB or GFB. The thread accurately pointed out that he overcompensate by changing the math on crit chance, but I still like the concept of a cantrip that makes one weapon attack more accurate.