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    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2009

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: The World Madly Spins (IC Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Omoikane13 View Post
    "A sign of weakness, sister, that you do not trust your creations to function for themselves. An indication of ineptitude, perhaps."
    Kerima - a continued conversation

    She considered the other entities words for a time and then examined the deity closer "no I do not believe so, I suspect that you are merely unfamiliar with the whole of life and are overly focused on elements of it".

    Extending her senses to a single mortal life and conjured the story into being as a demonstration.
    The strict mother demanded much of her child who in turn fought for greater freedom - a split in the relationship occured and the child moved away, it experienced hardships in life, say the dangers of the world, hunger, pain, fear but it struggled through them all, then it settled down and had a child of its own and demanded its children follow its rules only for them to rebel in turn. The scene ended with the scene of the child mother crying at its lost child and the dangers she could not protect it from and the child themselves crying as their own children left.

    "This single life story is not universal - but it is close enough, the world has horrors and dangers, and while you may dislike my methods I do provide structure for my people and allow them to grow as they should within that structure", she allowed the other goddess to follow her mind as it turned to a ship at the otherside of the world, its journey has started well but they hadn't enough clean water so rationing had to be undertaken, this lead to rule breakers and for the captain to become harsh those who broke the rules risking beatings or being thrown overboard, suddenly the ship was struck by a wave, its crew dead and gone "they choose freedom, but the journey forced order on them, and then reality killed them all anyway".

    "Frankly your issue is not with me - your issue is with how life functions and how natural evolution occurs within societies".

    Kerima - The World Shakes

    She held herself largely away from the conflict on the other side of the planet, the snake was powerful true but the greater powers of that land none had died yet, if any did she would respond as she had when mortals had killed a deity previously for such could not go unpunished but for now she was mostly concerned with the consequences of the battle and the more subtle actions that went with it, the tidal waves and storms were severe enough that her people were impacted even from the other side of the planet and the earthquakes were a potential cause of worry also - but should everyone did she could likely merely restart, her priests had been blessed with the ability to preform miracles in her name so they should be able to deal with these events on there own.
    No it was the restructuring of conceptual reality that bothered her more, specifically the Wasted Earth impact that her people would have no knowledge was coming and could damage their lands - while goblins often did eat there dead, elves, humans and dwarves often did not, worse the curse was not total but only when one sentient killed another or she supposed when one killed itself would it trigger.
    Thus did she issue some edicts to her priests via dreams: Honour Kerima above all others, none shall kill themselves their lives are Kerima's not their own, none may kill another save at the direction of a Priest of Kerima, those killed in this way must be ritually burned to honour Kerima and ensure the faith of the community, no new laws may be created save by a member of the priesthood, laws created by the priesthood can be revoked or altered by the priesthood.

    Thus she was content that the curse would largely not impact her people, and began a new system for the continent which should allow for further growth down the line.

    The People of Kerima - The World Shakes
    These were difficult times for the faithful and worse for the non-faithful, while the priests were able to ward off the worst of the weather particularly with the river archons keeping their areas in check the coastal regions were severely impacted making the seas unusable, forest fires from lightning strikes had to be contained by the elven tribes, the winds of the plains made journeys for food difficult or impossible, the goblins experienced perhaps the worst affects as caverns collapsed, where the Dwarves through skill or luck largely seemed to avoid the worst impacts.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Rollover 4AP

    Create Mundane Concept: Law (1AP)
    While the basic laws of Kerima were provided by the goddess herself, priests are largely free to create new laws to suit the needs of themselves of their communities.
    The basic laws:
    Honour Kerima above all others
    None shall kill themselves their lives are Kerima's not their own
    None may kill another save at the direction of a Priest of Kerima
    Those killed in this way must be ritually burned to honour Kerima and ensure the faith of the community
    No new laws may be created save by a member of the priesthood
    Laws created by the priesthood can be revoked or altered by the priesthood.
    -Society (Advancement) 4/10

    AP Remaining: 3
    Last edited by dancrilis; 2021-05-10 at 06:31 AM.