It's hard to throw someone off her game if she has no game in the first place. . . ;p

Carmen, who looks like she's probably a half-elf due to her ears and silver hair and purple eyes (half-elves have all those, right?), only really notices Valentina when she speaks up. She also has a purple ribbon in her hair, but that's not a trait exclusive to half-elves, she thinks, and is just a clothing choice.

She sets down her llamanade, and twists on her barstool. Don't mind what? she wonders at first, before connecting some dots. "Um! No, of course not! I don't mind," Carmen says. "I was just hoping someone would buy me a drink and get me drunk, but that's okay too."
She taps on the barstool next to her, in case Valentina was looking for permission to come closer.