[A Brisk Afternoon Jog - Day 2]

"Culture shock is difficult."
It's a quiet comment, Lady Eiko is trying her best to work with an unusually hostile audience.
Given that most she interacts with are already on board, it's not something she has practice with.

"I'm unsure how divinity presents itself where you are from, but we are granted the safe havens of our homes free from the predations of beasts and monsters. Our farms suffer no blights, no storms ravage our buildings, we are not plagued by disease or unreasonable harm."
If someone stubs their toe or something, that's on them though.
"He does not walk amongst us, true, but the most devout hear His voice on the winds and in our dreams."
There is a distinctly rapturous tone that creeps its way in there, and her expression is one looking somewhere far in the distance, away from here.

How much of any of this is actually true versus how much of this she believes is true, G'nichi's weapons can't say.
But believe it she does.