As I've said elsewhere, I think a big part of Redcloak's problem is that he himself doesn't know what he really wants. He knows he wants "equality", but he has never bothered to figure out what that actually means in practical terms or how to get from where the goblin race was at the start of the Plan to that hypothetical perfect world. This probably has to do with the fact that he never expected to be doing the negotiating himself, the Plan was always intended to put the Snarl in the hands of the Dark One and have him do the negotiating directly with the other Gods.

And then the other problem with Redcloak is that he has a warped view of the non-TDO gods of the Stickworld and how they relate to racism. He talks about "the gods" like they are a single homogenous group, instead of thirty-odd different entities with their own goals, personalities, and conflicting agendas. He likewise appears to believe that there is some kind of "favored race" class that goblins are excluded from, and that other races are attacking goblins only because these homogenous "gods" he believes in have given the OK, rather than because the goblins are Evil, or because the adventurers are Evil, or because of complex sociopolitical factors leading to conflict between different nations.

So I don't think Redcloak will accept any bargain short of "the gods" fixing everything in one big deus ex machina. Which isn't going to happen, in part because the gods are divided amongst themselves and aren't likely to all agree, in part because they've built the system to resist large changes at this point, and in part because the gods can't actually make a world without death and suffering and conflict.