R3T11: Wiping some of the charau-ka lunch off of his face, Pim will walk into the room, and get a look at the nearest living enemy. He will direct the bird in the same manner, telling it to go attack. Meanwhile, he will give the same remaining enemy some sass. "This reminds me of that crazy weekend at the vomitorium!"

His intent glare curses the (green) charau-ka with a debuff to its accuracy.

R3T10.9: The dark hawk flies up a little for a height advantage and screeches as it nips at the charau-ka, biting it in the neck for 6 and dropping the charau-ka.

R3T10: Red has blood squirting and spurting from its fallen form, dousing Tor-ber with its spray.

R3T8: Brown, the last of them, swings and bites valiantly at Fronaldo, but it is not nearly enough.

R3T7: Tor-ber stalks down to the last charau-ka and grapples it!

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

Gelik, what do you do?

Aron on deck, Xhanfaerd in the hole ...