Six of Clubs

Introduce a dark mystery among the members of the community

It seems someone in the village has been actively working against the outsiders. Both the priest's usual spot in the square and the outside of the shrine to Ozmathis have been graffitied with threatening messages, the most prominent reads simply "Remember the fate of Bartholomew", a clear reference to the slaughtered knight several weeks ago. No one has come forward with accusations or a confession.

Start a discussion: Despite our walls and weapons, death seems more frequent than usual, not less. How can we handle the violence from our own?

Arable land - abundance
Farm animals - Sufficient
Workable iron - sufficient (for now)
Healing - sufficient
Braziers (to stave off the Darkness)
Mining Pit (blocked)
Smithy (provide sufficient tools; for now)
Traps for the Beast of Woods (provide sense of safety?)
Sturdy Wood - Abundance
Fresh Water- Scarcity

Build a Central Storehouse Completed, whoever started the project please description be the finish (remember it doesn't have to be successful, but if not we should still learn something useful)

Clear the Foul Waters 1 week