Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
Heh, so I started up yet another game, this time on a random world map because I swear to god the navezgane map keeps sending me to that one trader near the lake with very little good pois nearby and I dont want to waste my first day walking all the way to trader jen. Anyways, I started up a random map and HOLY CROW. I spawned right next to a city with a high end shamway factory, shotgun factory, the hotel of death (if you dont know what I mean, its the hotel where you start in the parking garage with a bus blocking the main entry so you go through a side office and then work your way to the roof. The dang thing is at LEAST an all day poi) Numerous businesses, plenty of regular houses of all shapes and sizes, and my home base, which i built on a basketball court because cement floors on day one are amusing, and its plenty of room for a solid base, is surrounded by no less than three construction pois full of cement and cobblestone. So far two nights and not a single zombie or animal has been drawn to me, which is a new record.

Its currently day 3 and im rocking my forge, workstation, and 2 cement mixers, gonna build a second forge tonight, and the trader is loaded with nearby quests that let me blitz to getting sent to the second trader already. I think I will wait till I have a moped or something built first. Thats probably going to be tonight. Gonna have to go look for a good location for a horde base soon. Only downside is aside from a blunderbuss no guns yet. I dont want to raid any of the good locations till I can expect to see decent guns in the loot crates. The only thing that bugged me was I suicided on day 1 because I got infected and despite blitzing like 4 pois trying to cherry pick the loot that was likely to be honey or antibiotics, and chopping down a half dozen tree trunks I couldnt find ANYTHING to treat my infection. I was at like 12% infection by nightfall and basically went, "To heck with this" and gave the nearest zombie a hug. Its only today I saw my first honey and antibotics drop. Ah well, not a big deal. Got my mine shaft started, and now that I have managed to get enough duct tape im getting all my mid level tools setup.
Nice! Sounds like a good map! What prompted to game reset?