Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post

"Historians disagree on the exact moment when the Republic became corrupt, or how long they were under the influence of the Sith, but all agree that the true beginning of the end was the Battle of Naboo, a minor conflict over a trade dispute, with the real fallout being Chancellor Valorum being ousted in vote of no confidence called by Queen Amidala with Chancellor Palpatine being elected to take his place. Chancellor Palpatine would of course then go on to pass many policies that would further incite and divide the Republic manipulating economics in ways that the Jedi were not educated in, to eventually create the Separatists....."

"The Clone Wars as it is colloquially called, which historians have debated over whether to rename over something more fitting to reflect the servile nature of both droids and men being used and abused, often simplified down to the Separatists being nothing but Palpatines scapegoats and Anakin turning to the dark side, we must remind the viewer that the Great Man Theory of history is not proven to be true no matter what the Jedi believe and that the conflict arguably was more complex than that, with some historians saying that Palpatine was only an opportunist who with his force powers could see what was politically going to happen anyways and was merely taking advantage of the inevitable for his own gain....."

"The Rebellion while often being portrayed as a conflict of the son overthrowing the man who corrupted his father, was far wider, and while the destruction of Death Star was a significant event in the war it wasn't everything. Many of the lesser known parts of the Rebel alliance were former Separatists and their descendants who had gone underground in the wake of Order 66, and the Rebellion was very much fighting an asymmetric war, the Death Star was only one superweapon and the group that destroyed them both were only one cell that desired to keep the focus on them as long as possible while other parts of the Rebellion in the galaxy worked to undermine Imperial rule in ways that would pave the way for a more complete victory..."

could be interesting, if more cerebral and nerdy than most Star Wars films, probably wouldn't have as wide of an appeal though.
First of all: genius

Second of all: just do an Animatrix. Many short movies of differing style. The audience can stomach *one* 30 minutes nerdy documentary