As the Betrayer throws his best efforts in trying to stay alive and take out her allies Rosalind can tell he is desperate as he tries to do all he can to take them out. However his spells fall flat against their defenses as a purple bubble surrounds them all as the wail tries to find their ears. "You are simply long lived Betrayer, you were created by a true Eternal to serve her purpose and you choose not only to rebel but to try and kill her. Then when that failed you fled, tricking your brother to follow you and slay others for you as even you knew in that moment you were no match for even a lesser god. Everything you have now was handed to you by another. You earned none of the power that you have, and before this hour is up I promise you all of it shall be returned to where it belongs." Sister Rosalind says calmly as her eyes seem to change and take on a golden glow.

Spoiler: Action
Casting Celestial Aspect, using Eyes of the Firre so every round I can simply look at him and he takes 2d6 fire damage, no save, no SR (if he lasts that long vs perseus and Theo that is). I take (1d3)[1] Str damage, as it is a sacrifice (requirement of the spell) I don't believe death ward would stop it.