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    Titan in the Playground
    Thurbane's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Terra Australis

    Post Re: LA Assignment Thread X: New Year, New Management, Same Old Unplayable Monsters


    • Huge Undead (10 ft reach)
    • 9 RHD (d12hp, poor BAB, one good save, 4 skill points/"level")
    • Speed 20 ft, fly 50 ft (poor).
    • +12 natural AC.
    • Bite 2d8 and 2 claws 2d6.
    • Improved grab: activates on a bite, for targets up to large. The monster tactic is to grab, fly up high, and drop the victim.
    • Darkvision 60 ft.
    • Diet dependent: flesh - one of the least disruptive diet dependencies.
    • Undead traits.
    • Str +12, Dex +4, Int -8, Wis +2, Cha +4: +14, one non ability. That is a massive hit to Int!
    • Very small racial skill list, but with -8 Int, probably won't matter much.

    Somewhat unusual body type; unsure how good the claws would be at manipulating objects. It says they know no languages, which I guess is different than not being able to speak. If you put points into Speak Language, you should be fine.

    As a DM, I have a bit of a soft spot for these guys, especially with the Hivenest template thrown on for lols.

    As a PC? I really wanted these to be +0, but I'm not seeing it. Sure, you've got a decent chassis for a grabber/grappler, and flight is always good, but is that worth 9HD (with poor BAB), and a hit to Int that means you're likely to only be getting 1 skill point per level? Skills matter, for everyone. I'm guessing best progression would be something full BAB, maybe Barbarian or Crusader.

    I'm think I'm voting LA -0, but a strong argument might get me to +0.
    Last edited by Thurbane; 2021-05-26 at 08:25 PM. Reason: typos