Quote Originally Posted by Ramza00 View Post
Can you imagine the question being rude? Yes or No?
No, I really can't.

The thread has brought up why movies of this type are made - e.g Wicked, Maleficient, etc. There can be value in going back and looking at the motivations of villains who were not deeply explored in the original work, especially in the case of the Oz universe where there is a lot of underlying lore that most people are unaware of. Heck, it's what the Star Wars prequels should have done instead of spending all their time on the Clone Wars.

I've still yet to see a reason why Cruella of all people was picked out of the Disney canon other than "she's popular". Her motivation is shallow and evil - she's a rich person who wants a puppy fur coat, and if that means stealing and slaughtering a family's pets so be it. There isn't a lot to explore with that character, and the base premise of "Dalmations killed my parents" is laughable on its face. For the record, I feel the same way about Maleficient - she doesn't have enough of a personality in the original work to merit a movie exploring her dark and troubled past.