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Thread: Thoughts on the OOTS goblin predicament

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Re: Thoughts on the OOTS goblin predicament

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    The vast majority of what people put on the internet is not what they really think.
    I hope that’s true, though I’ve seen no evidence to suggest it is.

    But back to my point: I honestly believe that good and evil rules as described in D&D are ludicrous, and that a large part of why they’re even still in the game is because people enjoy the preposterous arguments that they generate.

    If you really have not had the experience of the laugh-out-loud ridiculous arguments about good and evil rules in your personal games, and this really is your first exposure to the wildly different ways that every person believes that the paladin rules should be interpreted, then you’ve been missing a great deal of fun.

    Just let me say this: the way you would play a paladin is not how most people would play a paladin. And that’s a universal truth for everyone reading this.

    No two people play paladins the same. If you want to argue that everyone else is somehow breaking the rules and playing wrong, that’s fine. That’s an argument you’re free to have. It is the internet after all.
    Last edited by Dion; 2021-05-30 at 02:47 PM.