Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
Precisely! Where was Gondor when I regularly voiced something like that and got called an apologist of terrorism for that?
What does Gondor have to do with anything?

Quote Originally Posted by Dion View Post
I’m pretty sure this was in the strip?

In short: they discussed paying the hobgoblins to leave, which probably would have worked and seems to be the common real world practice when dealing with barbarian hordes (at least since the invention of money).

However, the hobgoblins weren’t in charge, so asking what the hobgoblins wanted was a moot point.

Remember, Azure City wasn’t attacked by hobgoblins. It was attacked by a human sorcerer with a hobgoblin army.
Er, no. Kubota suggested giving whatever Xykon wanted to him, except what he wanted was the Gate and we all know why that's a bad idea. Plus Kubota wasn't in on the secret, though I wonder if that'd have changed much anyways. Might have changed the minds of some of the nobles, actually, considering Kubota was apparently quite more power-hungry than the others. But it wouldn't have been worth spilling the beans anyways.