Quote Originally Posted by danielxcutter View Post
...No? Rich said that TDO's plan is literally:

  1. Use the Ritual to take control of the Snarl
  2. Use the Snarl to blackmail the gods
  3. Get concessions that benefit the goblins and explictily isn't on the lines of "and all of you are my slaves forever".
  4. ???
  5. Profit!
The guy wanted "concessions and benefits" before ascending to Godhood, we don't know what his actual plans are now. All we know is what Redcloak says, Redcloak who never got to talk to his deity about it.
The only thing we know now of the Dark One is that after ascending he's been melting any messenger that came his way so I wouldn't be so quick at crossing "and you are now all my slaves" from his actual, updated list.

Quote Originally Posted by hroşila View Post
The plan is to give the Dark One exactly one supernuke, and once he uses it he's toast. If his demands get too unreasonable, the gods can easily decide to risk trying to take him down. The Snarl can't kill them all if everyone's in their own domains and only converge to attack the Dark One, at which point the Dark One can only kill them by releasing the Snarl on top of himself (and being unmade as a result).
This is very naive. The thing with being the only one in the world with access to nukes is that you don't need to use them to control the world, all you need is the fear of you pressing the button.
All you need is letting people know that you have a button to press and you're bound to see gods coming your way to butter you up into not being the target.
All you need is a few opportunistic gods willing to become your servants in exchange for leeching off your power and authority over those who don't and the whole "all gods gang up on you" becomes pretty much impossible.

If what you say was true then a single guy with a gun could never hold dozens of people hostage: if they all rushed the guy clearly he could only be able to take down so much before getting overwhelmed... but that rarely if ever happens.
What actually happens is that they all just cower because they don't wanna be the ones getting shot.

Let's not kid ourselves into thinking that controlling the Snarl doesn't mean controlling the multiverse.