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Thread: Thoughts on the OOTS goblin predicament

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Thoughts on the OOTS goblin predicament

    Why do you say "nukes"? It's one singular nuke and no ability to make more. Furthermore, every party involved knows that, if the nuke is actually used, then the Dark One is gone. It's a standoff. Imagine someone with a single-shot pistol pointing it at a number of enemies armed with swords. Sure, nobody will want to go first and be shot, but if the pistol guy doesn't offer them a reasonable way out, then they'll charge and cut down the pistol guy.

    Hostages don't usually rush criminals because most of the time it's not worth it, but if the criminal keeps making things worse and worse, at a certain point the risk will be worth it for at least some people.

    Also, you might want to read The Giant's quotes on the topic.
    Last edited by hroşila; 2021-06-04 at 02:25 PM.
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