Quote Originally Posted by Severance View Post
This is very naive. The thing with being the only one in the world with access to nukes is that you don't need to use them to control the world, all you need is the fear of you pressing the button.
All you need is letting people know that you have a button to press and you're bound to see gods coming your way to butter you up into not being the target.
All you need is a few opportunistic gods willing to become your servants in exchange for leeching off your power and authority over those who don't and the whole "all gods gang up on you" becomes pretty much impossible.

If what you say was true then a single guy with a gun could never hold dozens of people hostage: if they all rushed the guy clearly he could only be able to take down so much before getting overwhelmed... but that rarely if ever happens.
What actually happens is that they all just cower because they don't wanna be the ones getting shot.

Let's not kid ourselves into thinking that controlling the Snarl doesn't mean controlling the multiverse.
This has the ring of truth, but leaves out an important calculus: TDO apparently* doesn't know the gods have the option of unmaking creation themselves so that they can beat the Snarl to the punch. So to torture the metaphor a bit, he has a nuke -- but he doesn't know that the gods have well-stocked bunkers and an early-warning system, while he only has a tub of pistachio ice cream and a few bags of Cheetos. (Sucks to be everyone at ground zero, but that doesn't help TDO.)

* - Or maybe he does, because he's better at finding information than the gods we've heard from give him credit for? Remember that they were going to let him in on the secret when it was convenient, but he found out first. But it doesn't matter, and we're back to the same place, unless TDO can figure out a ritual that takes less time than it would take the gods to pull the trigger on unmaking creation.