Just Outside Trog's

Jack lands on the cobblestone nearby, wings initially outstretched but soon folding in again. She's an apparently human androgynous figure, with short black hair, grey eyes and a pair of large auk-like wings emerging from her back, with eyes in the middle joint- what might look like an elbow but is actually the wrist. She's missing her little finger on her left hand and her shadow is missing. Today, she's wearing a blue denim jacket and a pair of tan cargo trousers, with black steel-toed boots on her feet. A leather satchel has been slung over her shoulder, a stylised bird- maybe a crow?- branded into the leather. "Hi! I'm Jack, Eun and Miranda I know. Who's the rest of you?"

In the light of the early morning, particularly given her arrival by sky (her room had a balcony, and she flew off that), the absence of her shadow is pretty obvious, though still quite easy to miss. People don't always look for shadows, after all.