[Sans Swordwoman]

"Well, yes of course. I didn't mean today. It would be a bad day to talk to cultists." Not that there's any great days, except maybe if the stars are right.

He nods in affirmation. "Yes, quite a bit really, though we could use another in that field." One nurse is overfloofed and the doctor has been MIA since the memes. Though her talk of being directly tied to the land does shed some light as to why the cultists might worship her. "Excellent. If we get separated for some reason just look me up when you get there. I'll try to ease you in as best I can." Hopefully HALO can cut down on those random lifechanging events. At least to a reasonable degree.

Reinholdt drinks his rum as he tries to wrap his head around what Venus is saying. "I... see." To an extent. He really won't until like ninety percent of those details are elaborated on, but he can appreciate that Venus rules are different from normal person rules. And that might just have to be enough for now. Though that actually makes things dreadfully more complicated. Rein can't expect to use his normal logic on this current situation to figure out what's wrong or how to fix it.

He'll have to put all his faith in this June then. He finishes off the last of his drink. "Ready to go?" He asks, dropping a tip on the table.