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Thread: Darkness Rising (PTU)

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Darkness Rising (PTU)

    I'll be sure to remember it. They're large enough and powerful enough that I certainly wouldn't want to cross them. We'll head straight north to get through their hunting grounds as quickly as possible before we reach the Deep Forest and head West.

    I hope this all blows over though. If war visits the forest ... well it won't be pretty

    I don't have a concrete 'way' for you to conduct a ritual to cure the girl. I'm very open to options and would love to see you all come up with a cool idea, and we roll with it! I find that a more interesting approach than just rolling occult and have me tell you some pseudo random steps, especially since Velitus already got information from an occult roll earlier.


    Your guess is as good as mine on how to work magic. I'm a pokemon. We don't do magic. At least I don't think we do. I did hear a story once about an Alakazam who could ... well nevermind. I'm getting off topic. Sheba landed on the bottom of your jerkin, hanging like a waterskin.

    What if you have her bite it? I always feel better after I bite things!

    You will not die. We will kill those who try. A hive is stronger than a single individual, and your hive is strong indeed. You weren't sure if Sinen were referring to the Paras Clan, you and Rella, or this merry band of travellers. Regardless, she seemed to have an unshakeable certainty that she would allow no harm to come to you.
    Last edited by CosmicOccurence; 2021-06-15 at 08:17 PM.
    Many thanks to Ceika for the wonderful avatar.

    Aatos My medieval pokemon setting.

    Games I'm in:

    Johto: Guardians of Legends as Julius Varro

    World at War (PTA) as Francis May

    GM of Exploring Aatos a Medieval PTA game.