Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
That sounds about right. And nice catch on the level, I had forgotten about that. I was thinking more obvious rewards like the angel horn tip and such. But even so, the smug way he talked down to her with that little one crack. He clearly knew she wasnt going to do anything to him and had no choice in the matter and he clearly was right, because despite being enraged she did exactly that. And I would really like to know why. Is it just because he knows that as a lawful being she literally cant violate the rules of the little game she is playing? So he is free to say or do anything so long as it doesnt break the rules and she cant do anything about it? Or is there something more?
i feel like it was more of a gamble if he was right or wrong, and he'd just respond accordingly.

"No. Am i right?"
"Then i command you to send me back."
and he gets sent back, because she was going to do that anyways.

"No. Am i right?"
"Then i command you to try to kill me."
And she tries to kill him, which is again what she'd do anyways.

it's like saying "I COMEPLL THIS ELEVATOR TO RISE!" after pushing the "up" button on the elevator. it was going to rise anyways, and your "command" didn't actually do anything. you just sound kinda cool in your own head while doing it.