[ABAJ - Day 3]

This is not the most concrete evidence Jeb has ever heard. "I had a dream about it" is...frankly awful.
That being said, G'nichi was still right, which means this was either a terrible coincidence, more magic, or he's lying.

Some of that oft barely-restrained anger seems briefly evident on his face, but it doesn't seem to necessarily be at G'nichi himself.
"Can't really use that. Ugh."
Old man seems to have just be rummaging around for ways to shortcut through this nonsense a little faster.
"Still can't say you didn't just throw someone else under the bus, but it doesn't seem likely. We'll see in the morning."

Jeb's fingers tap along the pommel of the sword always at his hip, glancing back at the door to the dining hall.
"Can you keep doing that magic?"