Vargath Hubrecht
Half-Orc Rune Knight Fighter
AC: 19 HP: 49/49
PP: 13 PIv: 12 PIs: 10
Conditions: Infected (Lycanthropy), -1 INT
Concentrating: --

Vargath adds onto Set's questions, cutting to the core of what he needed to know. Perhaps Selissa would be glad for that, perhaps not, but she was an adult and didn't need coddling, at least in his eyes. "Can you track it, and how do we kill it?" Academically he might be interested in the exact minutiae of how it worked but such things were for seminars in lecture halls. Perhaps given time and ample subjects they might make significant breakthroughs with it. They had neither though, and so they just needed to focus on the important part: ending the threat before it killed more.