The family seemed nervous at the flurry of activity. You all were young, and none bore any sort of official shaman's garb to indicate you were qualified to ... well do whatever on earth this was. Still, they remained quiet and huddled off to the side, keeping their kids occupied with a game involving a rattle made from the tail of some sort of snake Pokemon.

Velitus coordinated the entire operation. He began preparing the ingredients as Jayce and Moghu dug a firepit. You lay the girl next to the fire, as the smoke from the Repose Clover in the fire rose into the sky, swirling in and out of the girls lungs. Jayce thought for a moment that the smoke was making shapes in the air, but none of the others seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary.

Eops and Sinen braced the girl's name soul while Moghu and and Velitus brewed the tea. Eira watched from the sidelines, her attention half on the proceedings and half on the forest around them. Jayce's hands were planted firmly on Jirachi's crystal as the ritual proceeded.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. The girl's appearance didn't change, though she did open her eyes after drinking the tea. Then, Laeo landed lightly on her head, a faint aura pulsing. Eops and Sinen's claws gripped her Name Soul, preventing her identity from fleeing to hide in the Marsh of Wandering Spirits hidden deep in the Purelake. It was Sheba who completed the ritual however, when softly biting her and delivering her blood to Jirachi, spreading some on the crystal.

As soon as the blood touched the crystal, a soft purple light emanated from the stone, the girl, and all of your Guides. The girls face began to melt like hot wax, exactly how Fenris's body shifted unnaturally. The crest became matted locks of hair, and the elongated notes returned to the blockish features of a Mudbray Clan member. Fingers sprouted from the hooves at the end of her arms, and the rough skin became human once more.

The family was in tears, and as soon as your guides stepped away from the ceremony, they rushed to her, bawling. After a long moment, the woman came up to your group, a tightly wrapped canvas package in her arms. I can never thank you for what you've done for us. You have saved our daughter's humanity. This was meant to be payment to the Audino Clan for their rituals, and I think it's only right for you to have it. Its a ritual that will teach impart powers over stone to one of your Pokemon.

Your clans should count themselves lucky to have shamans as skilled as you among their ranks. We will never forget the debt that we owe to the Twin Petals, Paras, Zubat, and Weavile Clans. If you ever need a friend or a place to stay, I hope you will come to the Mudbray and find us

The girl you healed was balancing unsteadily on two feet, gripping her father's arm to steady herself, weeping silently as this nightmare ended. Birds began to chirp once more, and you realized that the entire forest had been holding its breath, waiting for the monstrous wrong to be righted. Jirachi pulsed softly in Jayce's pack, and all the Guides, seemed satisfied with what they accomplished, though Eops retained some anxiety about revealing so much about themselves.