Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Wrecked Motorway

"You're twenty years too late for that, miss. Those things ate it all." He gestures at the pile of ash that was previously zombies, and... I don't think he's started righting his cart yet. So he'll get to work on reloading that, whilst I struggle to remember why he wanted all that deodorant.

"Yeah, Wyoming. Unless I've crossed the state boundary, anyway." He might not know if the sign's fallen over. "Weren't many zombies in Riverton, when I visited it. Bunch of people in the city hall, I think, but they'd strung bodies from the metal, uh, poles by the side of the road. The ones that bend at the top. So I didn't go there." Lamp posts or traffic lights, either way Endurance has never seen one working.
Wrecked Motorway

"Correction. My memory banks indicate I was in a perfectly functional city just three days ago." Green replies. "New Berlin, in the People's Republic of Almania." She blinks. "Unfortunately, the intervening memories between now and then are corrupted. And I can not seem to get a GPS signal, so I do not know for sure where we are or what direction it is in. But there are cities around, I can assure you."