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Thread: Outside 50: Meeting nature halfway

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Outside 50: Meeting nature halfway


    They don't have to wait long. Soon, they can hear heavy, rhythmic footfalls, as well as low, measured droning in the air. Shortly after, they'd be able to see the first members of the procession emerge from the dark; beastly folk in tarnished silver armor, marching in lockstep. At the head of the group is a bull-headed man, carrying a staff with a heavy weight on one hend, which he thumps against the ground every few paces. He looks to be a little over twelve feet tall; large, even considering his species.

    As the caravan approaches, more of the members can be seen. There must be around a dozen warriors with them, aligned in an ovular pattern around a small crowd of hunched, cloaked figures, which wander around semi-aimlessly in the area between the soldiers.

    Bringing up the rear, the goblins will see a winged woman, about eight feet tall, and who seems to have a certain radiance about her, lighting up the vicinity of the caravan. Unlike the others, she's dressed in regalia, with not a scrap of armor on her. She also appears to be unarmed, unlike her escorts.

    They entire parade is still a fair distance away; there will be time to take up positions before the goblins risk being seen.
    Last edited by Ironsmith; 2021-06-23 at 07:20 PM.
    Who're you? ...Don't matter.

    Want some rye? 'Course ya do!

    Here's to us.
    Who's like us?
    Damn few,
    and they're aaall dead.

    *gushes unintelligibly over our cat, Sunshine*

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