[Wrecked Motorway]


That's a robot. And Tristan definitely isn't. Which is why he doesn't have some kind of neural implant radio. Can you imagine getting constant spam calls about your flying car's warranty inside your head? Truly the darkest future.

At least the robot has been de-wormed.

I was so totally right.
Sweet we've got a robot pal.
She seems nice?

"I can't say that I've heard of those places, either. You must be a long way from home, too, miss Galatalos," Tristan says as he continues his trek toward civilization. "Infrastructure is things like roads and electric lights and running water. All the things you need to keep civilization humming. Have you ever been to a settlement that has a generator? Maybe some working solar panels?"

Tristan figures that if working electricity is a thing where Endurance came from it would be some form of decentralized power.

[Thermal Lake]

The fishmen don't appear to be buying it.

Maybe they don't find lizards scary.

Maybe Kothar unintentionally did something that made his threat less threatening.

Maybe they're just really, really dumb.

Whatever the reason, they both go rushing toward our hero to try stabbing him with spears, their webbed feet slapping against the damp floor like unusually intimidating ducks.