Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
Oh, it's definitely given me an excuse to derive into world building via the philosophy of magic and the fact that it's very much not an inborn trait. I'm trying not to go too heavy on the world building and spread it out a bit, there's ruins (roughly 700 years old) from another civilisation that come up later but it's intentionally made uncertain as to the details of the culture and their achievements (it was over half a millennium ago and people had more important things to do once the ribs had all been looted).

There's clearly been a switch off main character since I started, and I've also got to decide on my audience so I know what kind of content I can include.
You could also just have somebody come out and flat out say its hazing, and that its a tradition that they all went through, so they have the right to put new people through it. Help establish the group's hierarchy.