Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
I've seen both The Mikado and Pirates of Penzance, both incredible (I even saw the latter in San Francisco sung in RP, very big props to that group). I'd recommend the second, The Mikado is probably the better play but Pirates of Penzance has both the well known G&S song and the absolute show stopper that is With Cat-like Tread. However you do have to sit through orphan frequently only once.

As for finding them, my only real suggestion is checking local theatres and Google. They're public domain, so I suspect smaller companies will likely put them on quite a bit (if they can manage RP).

I actually really wish they they were used more for school lessons and productions. They're probably the only English playwrights that you can call as influential as Shakespeare with a straight face.
If they're good enough to be referenced in Raiders of the Lost Ark and The West Wing, they're good enough for me to want to watch.