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Thread: El Goonish ShiVe: Look! Squirrel!

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: El Goonish ShiVe: Look! Squirrel!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    She did, however, say that Tedd will cast spells(not use them, cast them)
    Spells are also cast from marks and cast from wands. The word choice here is irrelevant.

    while putting emphasis on Tedd three times(saying "you" three times, twice being boiled and italicized)
    Because she is talking to and about Tedd. You're reaching.

    after she transitions from "what Tedd can do now because he is a Seer" and "What Tedd is capable of because she's such a magical badass."
    Which indicates that what Tedd is capable of is derived from what Tedd can do now. {Scrubbed}

    She isn't talking about Tedd's powers being perfect for Tedd anymore. She's talking about how Tedd has the potential to take over the world and bend it to her will.
    {Scrubbed} The point is that, to Pandora, they are one and the same. {Scrubbed}

    That's gonna take more than just some wands, darling.
    Baseless assumption. You don't know that. In fact, given how often we've seen government spellcasters use wands, if an assumption is to be made, the most logical one is the exact opposite: that wands are very powerful and useful.

    "Where you are now is perfect for you and you can only go uphill from here."
    Exactly, go uphill from here, not transition to a different hill entirely.
    Last edited by truemane; 2021-06-30 at 07:49 AM. Reason: Scrubbed
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