[Slime Cave]

She actually needs light to see.
Between the ground and air vibrations, the sound, the feeling of heat, and everything else she can sense, she can still find where they are pretty easily! If she actually knew them, she would consider sneak-hugging them to surprise them.

The slimegirl can't decide whether she should hide from them or go up to them.
Eventually, she decides that being friendly is the best option. If you're friendly, people are friendly back, right?

She really wishes she could talk with them, though.
She goes up towards them and waves. They can probably see even though it's dark, right? That's why they didn't bring a light.
And she keeps on waving, trying to catch their attention. Hey, look this way! I'm saying 'hi' to you! Hi!

[Mirror of Art]

The preteen starts pointing out what kind of wood is good for use in a fire and which isn't, and how to dry it out if you need to. Also, she explains what tools you'll need to start a fire and shows hot to make them, and also several different ways to make the fire, including firebreath but she acknowledges that not everybody can do that and she can't even do that right now without making herself all scaly first. Which presumably Ein can't do, so she doesn't see the point in demonstrating.

"Well, I'm sure if we needed divine intervention then we could probably get it," she says, but figures they don't need it.

And, most importantly, since she is a dragon, the preteen just naturally assumed if you had a dragon allergy, there'd just always be a dragon around since that's always been the case for her.

"Um. Well...normally," she explains, trying to think out which parts of the ritual to become a priestess were important and which weren't. "Normally, the previous priestess painted designs all over me and helped me kill a fox and skinned it and wore its skin. And then some other person did some chanting and then the last priestess used her fingers to make little cuts on my back and face, and then she put the mask on me, and then I was a priestess." Also, she was also here instead of there. "The chanting part is probably unimportant because it was just some random old guy who did it, so I'd have to paint you and hunt with you and making cuts on you is probably bad especially with my fingers because of allergies so maybe we can skip that? But I don't have a mask either and you're already here too so maybe you don't need that part."