Vigil Skybase

It doesn't take Sekhmet long to figure out what Geneva means. She gets very agitated. The temperature around her rises noticeably. "We have to help him! She'll... She'll, uh, kill him! Or worse!" Sekhmet's concerns about her clothing have evaporated again. That adventurer hasn't even brought her anything more than this ill-fitting cloak. A tear appears in midair, expanding into a portal to a familiar hellish landscape, Sapphira's marble palace visible in the background. "If we go though here, we can find where she's gone and return right there. Then we can save Prumathe!" Geneva probably couldn't convince Sekhmet not to go except by force, but this is a Bad Idea.

Throne Room
The Answer cuts into Sapphira easily, but she fights against being pinned with unnatural strength. The serrated edge tears a wide, bloody gash through her, nearly bisecting her body as she pulls free, and yet the wound is disappearing before Wenomir's eyes, as flesh flows to replace what was lost.
Her severed arm has disappeared, so Prumathe can strike at her new one. The silver blade leaves a burn mark on Sapphira's skin, one which heals much more slowly than her other wounds, excepting the destroyed eye and its leaking green light, which has not healed at all.
The fiendish queen turns on Wenomir, lunges with her sword... And at the last second, strikes with her stinger tail instead, the barbed point whipping in lighting-quick at the Vigil commander
Haru tears the throat of one of the possessed, causing her to revert, but the others don't listen to her threat. They're weaker fiends than her, and haven't recovered from the blast yet.

Blanche shoots a succubus. She goes down, her body morphing back to a very dead normal person. Then another, and another, making two slain and one seriously injured.
And then Sapphira triggers a psychic and magical attack on the sniper, even as she's battling with her sword above.
The attack is twofold. Wordlessly, it amplifies feelings of guilt and remorse. Blanche just killed two innocent people and mortally wounded another. They may have been trying to kill her, but they weren't acting of their own free will. They didn't deserve to die here, by her hand.
Second is the magical component. The two corpses shudder and begin to stand, staring at Blanche with vacant expressions that could easily be interpreted as something else, hunger, rage, maybe even a desire for vengeance. They shamble forward towards her puppetlike, arms outstretched.