Quote Originally Posted by NeoPhoenix0 View Post
Following that logic why aren't all the servants from stay night 5 stars minus emiya and kojirou?

But it might be cause berserker isn't his main class *shrug*
To be fair, Medea isn't all that impressive either, legend wise. Ditto for Medusa too. I mean, sure, everyone has heard of Medusa the Monster, but that's not the form she's summoned in Stay Night. I'd say Cursed Arm is pretty obscure to.

Cu could definitely be a higher grade though.

Quote Originally Posted by Resileaf View Post
Rarity means nothing in Fate GO. Romulus is the father of Rome and he's a 3* with an awful kit when he should be one of the most powerful servants in the game.
Ehhhhh, this might be a lack of familiarity speaking, but the only thing I know about Romulus is that he founded Rome. Sure, it is an impressive feat, but it isn't really on the level of a lot of other Servants.