Moghu led the group through the forest, eschewing stealth in favor of trying to quickly locate a defensible position. Quickly enough though, you found where an ancient river had cut away a bluff in the landscape. A Gogoat trail led up the side of the bluff, switching back and forth to the top. And in the middle of that trail was a cave that looked big enough to hold you all. It was as defensible a position as you could hope for.

Your pursuers arrived right as you were reaching the cave mouth. Felt, Malta, and Uldeen burst out of the underbrush below, their clothes dirty from life on the road. Eira spotted Yueh, the bells on her clothes dampened for the chase by cloth, leading Petra on the top of the bluff, heading to cut off an escape route. Kurtakh was nowhere to be seen.

Enough running! Felt shouted. It is time for you to hand Jirachi over, and to explain why you would ally with Soul Eaters.

Explanations aren't enough Felt, Malta spat. After they allied with the creature that turned my sister into a monstrosity in the night, they deserve nothing but fire. Eira remembered a conversation she'd overheard while spying during the first trial, while hunting down the Nidoking. With what you'd seen of the Mudbray child, it seemed like Fenris had been busy in the open forest long before the clansmeet started.


Eira, I'll leave it up to you whether or not you and/or Eops want to head with the group to the cave or stick outside.

For this interested this is the conversation I referenced in the post that Eira overheard