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Thread: Lancer: No Room for a Wallflower (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #66
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Lancer: No Room for a Wallflower (IC)

    Mikka hangs back, shuffling a bit awkwardly as the others file out, obviously eager to take the administrative NHP up on his offer for a little more... intimate question session. But Kaboodle detaches from her back, the drone leaving her behind and following in the team's wake as they head to the print shop. It hovers unobtrusively in the background, waiting until all the others have completed their print jobs before approaching the console and jacking in with a quiet invocation, spoken with almost religious stoicism. "YOU WILL SOON HAVE YOUR GOD. AND YOU WILL MAKE IT WITH YOUR OWN HANDS." Its patience pays off as Mikka enters the shop almost immediately after, looking a bit breathless and red in the face. "Oh thanks Kaboods, I'll take it from here." Good timing, as her partner had just finished prepping the basic frame for her to build on. Since no one else was waiting Mikka takes her time, tweaking various bits and bobs and going back and forth on a few options. As Mikka falls into the same strange working-fugue the others had witnessed on the ship previously, her frame slowly takes shape, its stance at first looking odd as if it had fallen over on its forearms. The reason becomes apparent as the structure of a massive pod begins to form on its hunched back, the armored housing for an ingenious (in her humble opinion), compact modular system designed to rotate a myriad of deployables and heavy weaponry into position as needed. It's not quite as impressively hulking as the Sagarmathas, but it's definitely on the upper end of the Everest range. The final touches leave it looking less like a weapon of war and more like some sort of industrial machine, off-white and steel with glaring stripes of hazard orange.

    Blinking back into focus as her trance fades, Mikka seems to notice the bustle of the engineers around prepping for their operation for the first time. With a hesitant smile she claps and rubs her hands together. "Oh! The song of my people. Hi folks, call me Screwloose, and this is Kit n' Kaboodle." She slaps one of the quadruped mech's armored legs, and with a mechanical lurch it does a little bow - apparently at some point the NHP had taken possession, the drone secured on her back once more. "We're eager to get you to work." Unsurprisingly, she does look a little more comfortable around the grease monkeys than she did with their militia escort. As the group nears readiness to roll out, she sizes up the other printed frames with a critical eye but seems satisfied with what she sees. Her HUD helpfully overlays their designations and loadouts as she scans them. "Pretty cool... uh, guess my tastes lean more towards, 'is it funny?'" she offers her perspective to Tobias and Ezra's conversation with a shrug, having caught enough of it.
    Last edited by technoRomancer; 2021-07-08 at 11:58 PM.