Caelyn Syol'arael
Wood Elf Druid
AC: 15 HP: 31/39
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentrating on:

Between miles of running in both humanoid and animal form and hauling her sibling's belongings out of the cart, Caelyn was exhausted, shaking from exertion and sweating like a pig. Moving the last bag, which felt and smelled like clothes someone had worn last tenday, she lost her footing and tumbled from the cart, ripping the bag and scattering someone's clothes across the ground, all while landing on her shoulder with an impact that made her bark with pain. She shot Relaar an aggravated glare at his lack of help, but her gaze quickly fell to his missing arm, cooling her anger and leaving behind remorse. She quickly gathered up the smelly clothes and tossed them into the ruin in a disorganized pile. She watched Grepha flit down and start hauling the mess one shirt or pair of pants at a time, and she couldn't help but be impressed that the evil creature volunteered without asking her.

With Rosc Roche stowed inside the ruin with a bag of feed and a small bucket of water, Caelyn moved outside the ruin, leaving Ralaar to his own devices and settling down to sit cross legged on the highest point she can find to give her a better view of the fire. She's silent and still for long enough that an observer may think she was trancing. It wasn't until Grepha addressed her that she spoke, but her response was immediate. I know little of devils, but I have been told three facts. You are evil incarnate, you wish to seduce people into sin, and you stick to your oaths, if only just the letter rather than the spirit. I give you considerable leeway because Sam favors you and because you are useful, but I can never be comfortable around you, Grepha. You have an agenda that is not shared by my family. One day it may prove to be our undoing. Until then, however.... She sighed and brushed a strand of hair our of her vision as the black smoke grew closer. while your loyalty is always in question, your usefulness can not be doubted. As long as I keep that in mind, we can speak. As associates. But never as friends.

Caelee took a deep breath and sighed, hanging her head and collecting her thoughts. I am not sure if I've had an excellent day where I got to express my magical powers with abandon against dastardly foes, or if I've had a wretched day where I destroyed half a damn forest in a reflexive act of childish rage that nearly killed my family and my best friend. Somewhere between the two, I suspect. If it all works out, the people I care about are safe, and it turns out the lives I saved outweighs the unwarranted destruction I've wrought, maybe then it will be a good day. Maybe a hundred years from now I will return to these woods, see them healed, and then maybe I will look back at this as a great day. For now, I'm tired, dirty, and singed. How was your day, Grepha?