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Thread: Serious Plots 9: Srsr and srsr

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Serious Plots 9: Srsr and srsr

    Vigil Skybase
    The madman's mind isn't just chaotic. It's scrambled. Like someone stuck a whisk in it and whipped it up into a froth, then let it settle. All his thoughts are fragmentary, bits of images or recollections ground up and stuck together like stained glass. He does not, perhaps can not, protect his secrets. She is my Little Lioness. My future Lady. My one and only. With the thoughts come fragments. The feeling of a tiny hand gripping an outstretched finger. The sensation of bowing before someone's feet. A corner of something that might be a heraldic crest.
    "Geneva, what's going on? How do you know?"

    Throne Room
    Wenomir chops through Sapphira's tail, freeing Prumather from asphyxiation. But the real spectacle of the moment is Zee. She grabs Sapphira, and moves to kiss her, only for the gesture to turn into a searing laser of holy power. Sapphira squirms and takes it through the cheek instead, but it doesn't matter. Where the light touches the cracks in her face, it blows them wide open. Sapphira's body disintegrates in a blast of green light and the fading sound of a pained scream. But that's not the end. Something coalesces out of the light hanging space where Sapphira was. A body. A woman with skin like marble, clad in white, hair and wings glowing faintly with emerald radiance. She collapses onto the floor unconscious and still in front of the assembled heroes.
    Is that it? Did they win?
    If they did, there's still some aftermath to consider. Ilpholin is still made of gold and trying to kill Kiun. Wenomir is poisoned. And who is this mysterious unconscious lady?

    Scorching Depths
    A shiver passes through the air. One might believe they're imagining it, but it seems very slightly cooler. Still lethally hot, but not quite so much. A weighty presence seems to have left this place, a feeling of being subtly watched diminishing to nothing.
    And the eyes of every devil in the land turn towards the palace, and know fear and uncertainty.
    The queen is dead. What happens now?

    Vigil Skybase
    "Geneva?" Sekhmet asks again. Her voice seems different now. She seems scared. "It begins!" The madman shouts into the air. "I am free!"
    Sekhmet, meanwhile, is collapsing limply to the ground. "Geneva, what's happening to me?" she gasps, as if struggling to breathe.
    Last edited by bc56; 2021-07-14 at 11:22 PM.
    Awesome avatar (Kothar, paladin of Tlacua) by Linkele!

    Quote Originally Posted by William Shakespeare, King Lear, IV.i.46
    'Tis the time's plague, when madmen lead the blind.
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