Quote Originally Posted by darkdragoon View Post
Could use several more copies to L99 but everybody is more or less "complete" I've only really used Tifa and Cinque (although Red and Emperor should give magic earth a huge upgrade). I think I like the first turn SB boost most, as everything else is just kinda "MOAR STATZ" A couple of the other effects are kind of interesting (I think I had the barrier on Guy's helm for a bit) but similarly crowded out with the element boost.
Well, the new group has started. If you didn't max anyone's relics from the last group, or if they have truly rubbish modifiers, they're still available in Kite's shop (with average modifiers) and will be until the end of the season. I've already limit broken all of mine to 99, and now I just need to farm the best modifiers.

Personally, the stat I look for the most is reduced action time. Speed is priceless. Elemental boosts are well and good, but the gear set gives you some of that by default, and with Imperils and Chains you should be mostly covered. And as you say, everything else is "moar statz." But reduced action time is, in my mind, the best use of a gear slot. More actions in the same amount of time means more damage, full stop. Being able to act twice instead of once is double damage - not 20% more, double. (It's not quite that fast, but still.) It also means making better use of durations - like Awakenings and Syncs.

So basically, I look for 5%/5%/8% reduced casting time on these things. Barring that, the elemental boost is my second choice.

As an aside, courtesy of the subreddit, here is a map of drop locations for group 2. Remember two things: First, that you get better/rarer modifiers from the harder labyrinth levels, and second, that you get more relic drops if you do the level manually rather than by Record Marker.

I mean, if anyone has the time for that.