As far as relationships go,
Im not a big fan of changing them too much, if only because to me its kind of insulting to take a published work and go, "Yeah I know there are all sorts of themes running through the narrative, but what if we just said to heck with it and changed those themes to accomplish some other goal such as including more permutations of relationships like a bingo card." I realize that everyone wants to be represented, but that doesnt mean everyone needs to be. Just because there are a lot of relationships in the story running al over the place doesnt mean they need to shoe horn in even more just to make sure every group and variant of said group gets to point to a main character and go "There, he has a relationship like mine!" And having a minor character just randomly changed to include that tends to cause backlash on all sides of the aisle because on the one hand you have people actually bothered by whatever relationship combo is being forced into the narrative, you have the people who are annoyed that any change is being forced into an existing work just for the bingo cards sake rather than the story, and you have the people who got all hyped over "their" group being represented only for it to be a 5 second cameo that never gets mentioned again.

Its honestly one of the biggest issues with adapting an existing work. Write up an original story and you can put whatever you want in it. By all means, include a war and peace sized cast and put them together in 150 different relationship types and nobody will bat an eye. But write a story where batman and robin share an intriguingly long hug and watch the flames engulf the earth. Because you are changing an established character in an established world. (And other reasons as well of course, but thats not the ones im talking about)

Bottom line for me is, an existing work being adapted for another medium like book to screen, needs to be left as unaltered as possible barring whatever changes need to happen to make the transition work. The series is happening because enough people read WoT to want this, so give them WoT instead of whatever "improved" version you might want. Otherwise you are writing fanfiction scripts. Dont get me wrong, I love fanfiction, I read it all the time. In fact, I have a fanfic going in another tab right now. But they dont pretend to BE the source material. This is supposed to be the WoT series. Not an alternate universe version of it where women dont yank their braids all the time and team magikarp is useful.