Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
[Wrecked Motorway]

Tristan winces at Green's actual appearance.

"Geeze they really went all-in on the Terminator look, didn't they?"
he mutters. Then shrugs. Then stretches. "Well, I think I'm up for a walk. How far away was your settlement again? What about you, Endurance? Do you think you're good for a midnight hike?"

Hopefully his name is for more than just show.

"Can't say I've ever played cricket before. My college didn't have a cricket team," he admits. He has in fact done some sports, just not that specific sport. "I've played soccer, or football if your prefer, if that counts for anything."
Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Wrecked Motorway

"She really is a robot. Cool." Fred doesn't say anything else. The other girls are taking it quite well, all things considered; they've been expecting weird stuff since they saw the flash, and these three they've met are pretty odd.
Waheeda looks at the two guys. "She said one of you weren't human. Which of you is it? And are you an elf or something?" She asks with a straight face.

Regardless of the answer Tristan gives her- Endurance just looks confused, poor chap, and he's a little startled still by Green's real appearance- the girls will point back the way they came. "There's a junction five minutes' that way, onto a dual carriageway. Our camp's fifteen minutes down the first turn off. So maybe twenty five, thirty minute's walk? Rosemary, that sound right?" Rosemary shrugs in response. She's apparently this team's designated time-keeper, but isn't very good at her job.
[Wrecked Motorway]

Green turns her cloak back on, taking their response to mean that they were sufficiently persuaded of her non-murderbot-ness. She'll follow the girls when they go to leave, though if Tristan and Endurance don't go with them, it'll cause her some amount of hesitancy.