[Totally Lost]


Khannie makes a face at all the dead animals.

She's really glad that Maridia didn't go and get her mouth glued shut because then she might have ended up as one of those dead animals, too. A dead animal with a creepy crawly tree crouching on top of her like an owl with a dead mouse.

"You're a really mean tree," Khannie informs the really mean tree. Not that it can hear her or anything (as far as she can tell) but just because giving voice to her feelings on this issue makes her feel a little better about it.


Okay maybe this is all making her a little worried. That she's lost out here in the woods and there are trees around that apparently trick people into eating their sap and then glue their face closed and then sit on them until they die and rot. If there are trees like that out here then what ELSE is out here? Khannie could also turn into a magical girl if she had to fight, but these trees don't seem like the sort of thing you have to fight. They hurt people by being tricky. That means they'll have to be tricky, too.

"Okay Maridia fly up high and see what you can see, okay? But be careful," Khannie warns.

"Alrighty!" the little dragon chirps as she kind of... shimmers? Shimmers like that weird alien Arnold beat up with a log until you can hardly see her! Then she beats her wings and ascends into the sky looking like little more than a wavering mirage on the road. Except. You know. Up in the sky.