[Plum Mountain Park]

The fox on the rocks laughs.

"After a fashion, I suppose. We've met before, but I was wearing the mask of myself. Or, I suppose, my old self. The original one. Or at least the one that I'm mostly sure was mine. I think you might be able to relate to that little identity problem," the kumiho replies. "Like you, I try to be a good fox. But, I think, you may have managed to extinguish your hunger. I'll admit that I'm a touch envious."

Tristan knits his brow a bit.

Didn't they...

Hadn't they met a fox on their way up the hill yesterday.

It's all pretty hazy.

"Hey, did we come by here yesterday?" Tristan asks.

"You did. Are you having trouble remembering?" the kumiho replies.